Online Wallets

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Online Wallets

Easiest way to store your money is get an online wallet. But, of course, since it's online, you must be careful about attacks, so you must choose a legit wallet.

One of the best wallet is COINBASE

Coinbase is an online secure wallet that let you make transactions between Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. You must use this wallet because it's the few wallets i know that let you exchange cryptocoins for Euros/Dollars. Unfortunatelly, Coinbase isn't available for all countries, so check it before!

You can invite your friends to use Coinbase and when a friend reach USD$100 in transactions, Coinbase will give both (you and your friend) an USD$10 bonus in Bitcoin. It's a win-win for everyone!


Another wallet you will want to have is COINPOT

Coinpot is a cryptocurrency microwallet. I said you will want to have one because some faucet claims goes directly to Coinpot (find out more in Faucets for Coinpot section). Coinpot supports for now BTC, BCH, DOGE, LTC and DASH coins. Good thing at this wallet is you can exchange between all five currencies without paying any fee, same as withdraw them for Coinbase account. No fees mean you dont pay anything, so you receive everything you collected. This wallet also provides a section for CPU mining supported coins.


And last but not least, another one you must have is FAUCETHUB

FaucetHub works pretty much like Coinpot. Here you have enough faucets to keep you busy during the day with different claim times (find out more in Faucets for FaucetHub section). FaucetHub supports more currencies than Coinpot, so i think it's a good way if you plan to have a little bit of everything. FaucetHub also provides mining, but here you mine Monero and receive payment in Satoshi (BTC). Join and see by yourself ;)


Also the official sites of some coins provide online wallets.


So, now you know the must have online wallets to get started. What are you waiting for?


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